ターラ・ブランカ(TARA BLANCA)は独創的な世界を奏でる日本のオリジナルストールブランドです。
日本、ヨーロッパのアイディアをコラボレーションしたターラ・ブランカ(TARA BLANCA)のオリジナリティあふれるストールは、
TARA BLANCA stoles are unique, handmade and original. These timeless creations are handcrafted. Japanese and European designs are incorporated into the weave & embroidery by the best hands of master craftsmen from Kashmir.
These peerless creations bring to life the beauty of original material through the intricate interplay of motif and colour.
As you give into the inner urge to slide your fingers over these exotic masterpieces the warms of the dexterous hands that crafted these treasures can be felt.
Go ahead and enjoy this exhilarating experience.